
OHBM Neurosalience S1E2: Aperture, a new open access publishing platform for neuroimaging research

Peter Bandettini (@fmri_today) introduces Aperture, a new open access publishing platform for neuroimaging research that he co-founded with Jean-Baptiste Poline.

Joining them both are the new Aperture Editor in Cheif, Tonya White (@tonyawhite) and the journal manager Kay Vanda. Together, they discuss the motive, history, steps for creation, and current status of Aperture.

It was created with the strong support of the Organization of human brain mapping (OHBM), and aims to be a peer-reviewed platform for publishing papers, but also various other types of research objects that often do not find space in conventional journals, including data, educational tutorials and code.

While there is still work to be done to be fully up and running, many insights into the process are shared and discussed.

Aperture website: https://www.humanbrainmapping.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=4121

#openaccess #openscience


OHBM Neurosalience S1E3: Modeling Brain Networks and Bias in Science with Danielle Bassett